
Smart Card Swipe Options for US Customers Only

If you are located in the US and have a Magtek Card or IDTech Card Reader you can now swipe your guests Drivers License to upload their details straight into InnGenius.

To put this into use, login to InnGenius, create a reservation for the guest. Then select the ID card from the drop down list, click on the ID Swipe field (marked below) and then swipe the ID Card (drivers license etc) on your card reader. InnGenius will fill in all the captured data in that reservation.

Some Drivers Licenses may have missing information so its always a good idea to double check and make sure everything is read correctly. If your Card reader doesn’t support this, you can always manually enter the guests ID number in the field provided.

You should expect 3 beeps from your card reader. (This feature may be limited to certain card readers) At the moment they are verified to work with ID Tech and Magtek Card readers.

3 Beeps represent 3 Tracks read, 1st beep corresponds to Name & Last name, 2nd beep is Address information was read and the 3rd beep represents Date of Birth, Male or Female etc.

Credit cards have only 2 tracks so when a Payment card is swiped, the device usually beeps twice. This is something user should watch for while swiping.


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