
How to add Travel Agencies & Provide them your Booking Engine Link

You can now add a Travel Agency to your InnConnect Booking Engine. By this we mean, you can provide a unique Booking Engine Link to your desired Travel Agencies to sell your rooms at a discounted price.

Simply sign in to your InnConnect account, click on Travel Agencies icon (shown below)

Click on Add new agency (shown below)

Enter basic information, then press Save changes (steps 1, 2, 3 below)

To view the discounted booking engine, press "Open agency portal in new window" (step 4 below)

To delete an Agency, simply click on "Remove this agency" (also seen below)

Remember YOU set the discounted price in the above settings, and then you can provide the link as necessary to your friends (example link shown below)

It's worth noting that the discounted percentage will effect daily Rates and Extra Adult/Child prices too. It won't effect addon's.

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